I will not be making cakes until further notice
Thank you :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
.... is a "sugar" shoes and not Cinderella shoe, for your viewing pleasure. I know where I can improve further on this shoes if I ever make them again. Overall I like this pair of shoes eventho' it's too small for me :)
Oh boy, Mong... what an honour to have you visit my blog :)
Thanks for your encouraging words, I seriously need this from a Pro like you. Visited your blog and your creations are wonderful! Lots more to learn from you, wish I could have a cup of tea/coffee with you....Rdgs, Glad
Due to personal reason, I will not be making cakes until further notice..... I will only finish those that I have committed. Thanks very much for all your kind understanding.
You are a genius!!
chicchibaby, please don't say that. I'm sure anyone can do that if he/she has the interest.
This is uber cool and too gorgeous for words.
Oh boy, Mong... what an honour to have you visit my blog :)
Thanks for your encouraging words, I seriously need this from a Pro like you. Visited your blog and your creations are wonderful! Lots more to learn from you, wish I could have a cup of tea/coffee with you....Rdgs, Glad
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