.... is a "sugar" shoes and not Cinderella shoe, for your viewing pleasure. I know where I can improve further on this shoes if I ever make them again. Overall I like this pair of shoes eventho' it's too small for me :)
9" + 6" two tier cake with sugar paste finishing and there are 10 mini cupcake fairies surrounding the cake. The empty space on the top tier is for No 1 candle.
I was thinking palm tree is not hard to make, but somehow I couldn't get it right, failed many attempts and have to re-do again and again....still not very happy with these palm tree but I'm happy with the hibiscus tho'. I've subsequently replaced the one at the bottom tier cake after taking these pictures. Guess I need to practice again on palm tree. I also added a little moss green to the rocks to get the algae effect.
I feel so glad and happy that Paige's mom take the trouble to email me these nicely snapped photos. Pretty similar to those that I've made before except for the BRIGHT YELLOW table cloth. Thank you E for taking the time to email me the pictures and I can't help myself to laugh upon knowing what Paige did with the tea set (she is so cute).
Due to personal reason, I will not be making cakes until further notice..... I will only finish those that I have committed. Thanks very much for all your kind understanding.