This cake is for twins', Audrey and Ashley, first birthday celebration. I was given a castle picture and honestly I'm not fan of those normal castle cakes we used to see on internet (sorry to say that)..... and I'm glad that "P" gave me permission to change the design a little (as long as it's castle look a like cake).
When I see those little figurines and candle provided by "P", am so excited (yes am reallly excited .... and look forward to complete the cake which at that point is not due yet). I can't help myself to start moulding the little carriage (which is not in the original design plan, I always get carried away with this and add more and more stuffs, eventually when I've the request for same design during the period where my schedule is very tight, I will find it hard to juggle my time to meet the requirements....).
Am really happy with how this cake turned out and now I
LIKE castle cake (hehe). Thanks "P" for so accommodative in collection time, appreciate it very much.