Sunday, October 14, 2007

Prince Ethan's cake

Presenting ......
Prince Ethan's cake! Ethan, I'm sorry that I didn't do a good job on Cookie Monster. I'll try to improve further on this. The crown is specially made for you. Wishing you a very "Happy 1st Birthday!"


Prince Ethan n Caden said...

hi Glad, just popped in n saw Ethan's cake is on ur site! Ethan loved the cake! In fact, we kept the figurines for a few days after the celebration n he was still saying "el-moh" seeing it. Thanks again! Ethan's dad n mum

Glad said...

Hi ericath, thanks for visiting my blog. Ethan is so cute, am glad that he liked the cake :).... but too bad that the figurines can't be kept for too long due to our humid weather.