Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Colin Joseph

Hi Colin Joseph,

I have tried to reply your email several times but the mails kept bounced back... have no idea why.... sorry that I've to resort to post it here (hope you read this...).

As I'll be busy with non-cake related commitments, hence not able to do many cakes and not available in Jan 2011. Thanks for asking.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Soccer Ball

Would like to wish all of you a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous 2011 New Year!

Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for all the supports you guys/gals have extended to me all this while. I truly appreciate it! Thank you!

Soccer ball is cake :)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Cows theme for Mummy & Baby

Mummy Griselda's birthday and baby Johanes's birthday are quite closed (and having same zodiac ie cow). Hence the cake is made with two sides, one side for Baby and the other side for Mummy. The snake (see next picture for snake with diff angle) in between baby wearing cow suit and mummy cow represents daddy in the family.

I only committed to this cake for December 2010 as I will be away again which the date is not very certain yet.... Sorry for those that I have to turn down your requests.